Sunday, June 10, 2012

Thoughts of a teenage boy

Yesterday I was checking my old notebooks from school and I found one that I used to write my thoughts as a way to vent myself from the teenage violent & confusing winds, that brought me a lot of memories and I found this, something that I wrote back in 2002, at that time I was 12 years old with a mind full thoughts and armed with  pen & paper  to write them all, so this is what was going throught my mind that day...

What is life? Is it an answer to our existence...?

In our lives we must think of something that you cannot think possible and before we do that we realize the truth of what we do every day. In our minds we create the illusion of things that can help to improve us or try to believe in something that sometimes can’t be.

In occasions some mixed feelings give way to a set of emotions that we confuse with other things that makes us think nonsense, things that can make us think that life is a mystery in which man is the divine, when what we actually have to do with it at times when we feel that life comes up causing us many indecisions is to choose the way in which will form our existence.

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